• Community Education Recreational Gymnastics Class Descriptions


    Tumblers w/ Parent:

    Vault: Work hurdle to jump onto block with a spring board and jump off block.

    Bars: Work basic skills to build strength and to mount and dismount the bars; such as, "L" Hang w/ spot, swing w/ spot, chin-up & Chin-up w/ "L" Hang w/ spot, and squat on/sole circle on floor bar w/ spot.

    Beam: Work skills on the low and mediums sized beams, such as mounting, bunny hops, walks, pivot turn (in releve) w/ spot, and straight jump dismounts to feet. 

    Floor/trampoline: Work stretches, bridges, rolls, intro to handstands, lunges, bunny hops, bridges, balancing on one leg, and frog jumps.

     Tumblers w/o Parent: Will perfect skills without parent and little to no spot on some skills.

    Vault: Work hurdle to jump onto block and vault with a spring board and jump off block/vault.

    Bars: Work basic skills to build strength and to mount and dismount the bars; such as, "L" Hang, swing, chin-up & Chin-up w/ "L" Hang, pullover w/spot and squat on/sole circle on floor bar w/ spot.

    Beam: Work skills on the low and mediums sized beams, such as mounting, bunny hops, walks, pivot turn (in releve) w/ spot, and straight jump dismounts to feet. 

    Floor/trampoline: Work stretches, bridges, rolls, handstands, lunges, bunny hops, bridges, balancing on one leg, and frog jumps.

    Level 1:

    Vault: Work hurdle step and squat on onto the block and vault

    Bars: Work basic skills to build strength and to mount and dismount the bars; such as, such as a “Re-grasp”, Pullovers, push away dismount, and squat ons and sole circles (floor bar).

    Beam: Work skills on the low and mediums sized beams, such as mounting, jumps, walks, and tuck jump dismounts to feet.  

    Floor: Work rolls, handstands, cartwheels, backbend (stand to bridge) w/ spot, step ½ turn, and jumps.

    Level 2:

    Vault: Work arm circle with hurdle step and squat on onto the vault w/ spring board-handstand off w/spot, and handstand hollow.

    Bars: Work a 5 skill bar routine: Pullover (feet together), back hip circle, baby giant w/ spot, squat on w/ spot, and sole circle (from block).

    Beam: Work skills on the low and competition beams, such as mounting, step ½ turn, cartwheel w/ spot, jumps, and Tuck jump - Tuck jump, and round off dismount.

    Floor: Work round off, handstand ½ pirouette w/ spot, backbend (stand to bridge), handstand timber (to bridge), step 1/1 turn, and wolf jump - Tuck jump 1/2 (connected).

    Level 3:

    Vault: Work squat on onto vault w/ spring board-handstand off, handstand hops (3 sets), and front handspring w/spot.

    Bars: Work a 5 skill bar routine w/ light spot: Pullover (feet together), back hip circle, baby giant, back hip circle, sole circle from cast.  Will also work, squat ons, glide swings, and cow drops/fly-aways w/ spot.

    Beam: Work skills on the low, medium, and competition beams, such as mounting, step ½ turn, cartwheel w/or w/o swing thru, jumps, and Straight ½ - tuck ½ Jumps, and front handspring or Round off 1/2 dismount or Superior Dismount w/ spot (Brani, front tuck, back tuck).

    Floor: Work round off rebound  - Tuck jump, handstand ½ pirouette, backbend kickover, handstand bridge to stand, back-Handspring over pacman mat, front-Handspring over octagon mat, step 1 ½ turn, and wolf ½ - Tuck 1/1 Jumps.

    Level 4:

    Vault: Work front handsprings, front handspring ½, and ½ on w/ spot.

    Bars: Work a 5 skill bar routine w/ light spot: Pullover (feet together), back hip circle, baby giant, back hip circle, sole circle 1/2.  Will also work, squat ons, tap swings, and fly-aways w/ spot, and kips.

    Beam: Work skills on the low, medium, and competition beams, such as mounting to a tuck jump, step 1/1 turn, cartwheel swing thru cartwheel, back walk over w/ spot, rolls, ¾ or 1/1 twisting jumps, and dismount w/ spot (Brani, front tuck, back tuck).

    Floor: Work 3 Tumbling Skills (connected-EX: FHS, FR, CW), back handspring w/ spot, back walk over, front walk over/front handspring, front tuck w/ spot, handstand 1/1 pirouette, step 2/1 turn, and 1/1 twisting jumps (Ex: Wolf 1/1 – Tuck 1/1).