• FMLA / LEAVE OF ABSENCE - The purpose of the resources below is to provide employees with information and guidance related to requesting FMLA /Leaves of Absence.  Employees are encouraged to consider the type of leave they may need by reading the information provided below, which includes guidelines, medical certification forms, other related forms, notices of rights and responsibilities related to Family and Medical Leave, and links to important information available on other websites. Bargaining Unit members should also refer to their Master Agreements for leave of absence information.

    Employees are encouraged to ask questions to the Superintendent or Payroll Coordinator, because even though the 'rules' of leaves are the same, how they impact an employee may differ based on their role and circumstance. These 'rules' include State & Federal Law, Master Agreements, Policy, and Practice.  

    Employee Rights Under the Family Medical Leave Act: (Click Here For Poster)

    GSL Family and Medical Leave Policy - Click Here  

    Process for requesting FMLA Leave of Absence:

    Step 1   Employee completes the Leave Of Absence Request Form and sends the form to the Superintendent and Payroll Coordinator: Click here for form

    Step 2  Employees will also provide a note from a health care provider. The note should include the reason for time off from work and expected leave and return dates.  Employees may also choose to have their provider complete the forms below, however, it is not required. 

        • Medical Leave for Employee's Own Serious Health Condition (includes maternity leave) complete form: https://www.dol.gov/sites/dolgov/files/WHD/legacy/files/WH-380-E.pdf
          This type of leave should be utilized when an employee needs to take time away from work for their own personal medical reasons. Usually, this type of leave would be requested if the anticipated length of time is three consecutive days of missed work or longer.   
        • Medical Leave to Care for Parent, Spouse, Child or Domestic Partner complete form: https://www.dol.gov/sites/dolgov/files/WHD/legacy/files/WH-380-F.pdf
          This type of leave should be utilized when an employee  needs to take time away from work to care for an ill family member.  Usually, this type of leave would be requested if the anticipated length of time is three consecutive days of missed work or longer.
        • Military Leave https://www.dol.gov/sites/dolgov/files/WHD/legacy/files/WH-384.pdf
          This type of leave may be requested for employees in training or active service in the Armed Forces of the United States.  
        • Other Leaves Absence - make written request to Superintendent
          This type of leave may be requested and considered on a case by case basis for reasons other than stated above.   
      • Step 3 Employee creates AESOP absences as needed for FMLA/LOA
      • Step 4 Employee keeps all parties updated as needed should dates need to be adjusted  (i.e – Maternity Leave – baby comes early / Surgery rescheduled, etc.)
      • Step 5 Superintendent and Payroll Coordinator receive a request and the Payroll Coordinator will:

    Step 6  Building leaders are notified of approved leave dates and will notify the Superintendent of sub needs and requirements that need to take place due to employees' LOA

    Step 7 Employee is on leave and keeps all parties updated should there be any change from the original leave request.   

    Step 8  Employee returns to work on a designated date and keeps all parties updated should any work restrictions or limitations be needed upon their return. A health care provider note is required for any restrictions/limitations. Fitness for Duty Form