

    Workers’ Compensation - - General Information Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (MN DOLI)

    Workers' compensation is a no-fault system designed to provide benefits to employees injured as a result of their employment activities and to limit the liability of employers. Because it is a no-fault system, the employee does not need to prove negligence on the part of the employer to establish liability. It also means the employer cannot use negligence on the part of the employee as a defense to a claim.​​​​​

    Employee Accident/ First Report of Injury (FROI) form (Employee Accident Form - Click Here) should be completed as soon as possible, along with a supervisor report of injury, and turned in to the District Office.  The designated reporter/work comp coordiantor will send report information to SFM, our work comp carrier to report the claim. 

    When a work related injury is reported, Glencoe-Silver Lake ISD 2859 expects the injured staff to help in the claim process and in their recuperation process by:

    • Staying in regular contact with the work comp coordinator regarding the work related injury. Contact can be made in person, or by: email: pteubert@gsl.k12.mn.us; Phone: 320-864-2497 ; Fax 320-864-6320
    • Keeping the work comp coordinator informed of scheduled doctor visits for the work related injury.
    • Giving a copy of the completed physician’s Work Ability Form to the work comp coordinator immediately after each doctor’s visit.
    • Cooperating with SFM, our workers’ compensation insurer, including the claims representative and nurse case manager.
    • Cooperating with your treating physician by following the doctor’s restrictions and communicating to them that we do provide transitional work.

    We care about your safety and well-being. Taking these steps will help ensure that you’re receiving the appropriate workers’ compensation benefits on time and that you’re healing properly.

    Basic Benefits - Workers’ compensation provides four basic types of benefits:

    • Wage loss;
    • Compensation for the loss of use of a part of the body;
    • Medical benefits; and
    • Vocational rehabilitation services.

    Healthcare Providers - Employees may choose their own licensed healthcare provider under most circumstances. Treatment by certain unlicensed complementary and alternative healthcare providers is not paid. Prescriptions and mileage to medical appointments may also be reimbursed on approved claims. 

    Third-Party Administrator is SFM Companies, P.O. Box 9416, Minneapolis, MN 55440 

    Learn more about the process @  https://www.sfmic.com/injured-workers/

    Work Ability/Return To Work Form: https://app.sfmic.com/col/resourceCatalog/doc/work_ability_return_to_work_form.pdf

    Mileage and Travel Reimbursement Form https://app.sfmic.com/col/resourceCatalog/doc/mileage_travel_reimbursement.pdf

    Workers' Compensation Forms:  Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry Workers' Compensation - Businesses

    Reference:   Minnesota Statute, Chapter 176 – Workers’ Compensation

                          Minnesota Statute 471.981 – Self-Insurance Coverage by
                          Political Subdivision.

                          Minnesota Statute 466.01 – Definitions.

                          Minnesota Statute 176.181 – Insurance.

                          Minnesota Statute 60A.23 – Miscellaneous.

    For more information - http://www.dli.mn.gov/business/workers-compensation/work-comp-benefits-general-information