• Step 2: Read available information

    General demographic, emergency contact, health immunizations, assignments, grades, attendance, discipline, unofficial transcripts, testing results, and school contact information. In addition, parents may sign up to be notified automatically via email of absences, tardies or missing assignments.

    Each area of data is updated on different schedules. Please read the following to familiarize yourself with the Campus Portal Data Expectations.

    Allows you to preview your family demographic information

    Shows a calendar and icons on the days there are assignments due or when an attendance event occurred.

    Glencoe-Silver Lake High School: Absence recorded every period. Excuse coded later in the day.

    Lincoln JH: Absence recorded every period. Excuse coded later in the day.

    Lakeside and Helen Baker Elementary Schools: Absence recorded every morning (or afternoon for PM Kindergarten). Excuse coded later in the day.

    Shows all courses the student will take during the current school year. You can check assignments and e-mail the teacher from this screen. Note: Elementary student's core subjects (math, language arts, social studies, and science) are grouped into one course.

    Class assignments and scores can be viewed throughout the Campus Portal once teachers have posted them in the Campus Gradebook.

    Assignment posting to Campus Gradebook is mandatory at Lincoln JH Glencoe-Silver Lake High School. Lakeside and Helen Baker elementary schools are not required to post items in the Campus Gradebook but you may find some assignment data if teachers so choose.

    Class assignments returned by their due date will be graded and the score posted within two weeks of the due date. Teachers may be responsible for evaluating over 100 students during a trimester. Careful and responsible evaluation of student work takes time.

    Student scores are an approximate grade at a specific point in time and teachers reserve the right to modify grades based on their professional judgment.

    Grades at mid-term, for Lincoln JH and Glencoe-Silver Lake High School, will be current no later than Friday of the mid-term date.

    Student schedules, unofficial transcripts, and report cards can be printed from the Campus Portal.

    The student's schedule is always available to print

    Report cards can be printed approximately one week after the end of a trimester. Students are allowed this time to makeup any incompletes or failures.

    Unofficial transcripts can be printed so you can verify the data recorded on your child's transcript. Data is rolled to the student's transcript approximately two weeks after the end of a trimester.Official Transcripts must still be requested from the Guidance Office.

    Shows student immunizations.

    Shows student test scores for local, state and national tests.