• Counselors Corner 

    Welcome to the Counselor's Corner

    Counselor Grades 7-9              Counselor Grades 10-12

    Whitney Peters                            Brittany Schmidt

    (320)864-2489                            (320)864-2406

    wpeters@gsl.k12.mn.us                     bschmidt@gsl.k12.mn.us 

    To help you find the information you need faster, here is a brief explanation of what is currently on the site.

    Career Exploration: Includes links to many different websites that help you find jobs and plan out your career.

    College Bound: Includes information and links to help you plan your post-high school career.

    Financial Aid: Resources more information, sources of aid, and calculators

    PSEO: Explains what PSEO is, and links to local colleges supporting PSEO.

    Scholarships: Find out about available scholarships that you can apply for.

    Useful Links: Just what it sounds like.

    We're here to aid your student in reaching their highest potential. Please contact us if you're seeking support in academic, social/emotional, or career areas of your student's educational journey.  

