• ISD #2859 Bring Your Own Device Policy

    What’s BYOD?

    During the 2015-16 school year, students began using Google Apps in many classrooms. This is also being supported by a wireless technology

    infrastructure that really puts us into the 21st century learning initiatives. Bring-your-own-device, or BYOD, is where students bring their personal devices to use in school, potentially including laptops, netbooks, tablets, e-readers and more.   Enrollment in AP, college-prep and PSEO courses may change those expectations.  We are working on having a device for all our students in time.  That being stated, we are recommending that students at the high school level bring a Chromebook or similar electronic device with them at the start of the school year. The district will still supply a device when necessary, however district devices may not be taken home.  

    No child’s learning experience or academic performance will be affected because he or she does not have an Internet-connected device to bring to school. Glencoe-Silver Lake is committed to reducing technology inequity so every child can learn equally.  Students are not required to provide a personal device for school use, even if they do own one. Use of personal technology devices is encouraged, but keep in mind that learning can be enhanced greatly for the entire class even if only a handful of students have a device!

    Why did GSL decide to go BYOD?

    • Access to more devices than the school can provide.
    • Comfort level and care for their own personal devices.
    • Modern personal devices have powerful school use.
    • Opportunity to teach proper use of personal technology.
    • Potential cost savings for schools.

     How might my student use their personal device at school?

    • Research and Productivity (Word Processing, Multimedia)
    • Student response systems (quizzes)
    • Subject specific apps
    • Taking notes
    • Watching subject related videos
    • Digital textbooks / novels
    Parenting in a Digital World

    Want to know more about how to navigate parenting in a digital world? The following resources cover a variety of topics ranging from the basics of internet safety to digital citizenship and managing your digital footprint.

    • Google Safety CenterThis website is great for offering some practical and immediately applicable information to help your family utilize new devices, technologies and applications. Google compiles this information from a variety of resources including safety experts, parents, teachers and communities worldwide in order to stay up to date on the most relevant information. The goal is to produce digital citizens who are responsible users of technology.

    On the left hand side of the page are some other links for even more resources to help you raise good digital citizens.


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